Parasite control Service Details

Parasite control Service details

Parasite control Service details
Parasite control Service details

Regrettably, various ticks, mosquitoes, and insects pose a constant threat to your pet's well-being, both indoors and outdoors throughout the year. However, their prevalence peaks during the spring and autumn months, causing significant discomfort and irritation. Parasites, if not adequately vaccinated against, can lead to infections in pets.

Besides the more common parasites like ticks and mosquitoes, lesser-known ones like roundworms and whipworms also pose risks to the health of your cat or dog. Often, parasite-induced infections can be transmitted from pets to humans in close contact. To safeguard your pet and family, GRAH in Kingston offers tailored parasite control programs devised by our veterinarians, considering your pet's specific conditions.

Our veterinary team conducts precise testing to diagnose any parasites affecting your pet's health. These tests, coupled with comprehensive veterinary examinations, are crucial in designing an effective parasite control plan. It's important to note that while some parasites are visible, others may not be evident to the naked eye, emphasizing the need for thorough testing.

For instance, an ordinary physical examination might not detect an intestinal parasite harming your pet's health, whereas a stool sample analysis swiftly confirms their presence. We recommend pet owners bring a stool sample to their appointment at GRAH, facilitating quick and precise identification of potential parasites impacting their pet's health. Our focus on parasite control in Kingston ensures the well-being of your beloved pets.

Call Us: +1 613-634-(KVET)5838 to learn how we can help you give your pet the best possible care

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